Ahhh… it felt like forever before I was able to get a visa for the United States. I was denied 3 times and got my approval on the 4th try.

I’m glad I did not stop trying or I would have missed all the road trips we did. šŸ™‚

I’ve been to 16 States in the US. Just type America in the search box and you willĀ see the stories behind the road trips.Ā Amazing is an understatement.

Lesson of the story – do not quit. šŸ™‚

Hopefully I will be able to transfer all of my previous blogs to “My Travels” portion ofĀ this blog soon.

In the meantime, readĀ My US VisaĀ Story, to give you tipsĀ on what to do when you apply for a US Visa.

Thank you and Merry Christmas everyone! šŸ™‚

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