Baked Garlic Chicken and Potatoes

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I found this recipe through .  I would have followed all of the specified ingredients but there are some there that we do not have in the Philippines. So I had to omit some of those ingredients. It didn’t matter much I believe , because it turned out to be so delicious. 🙂


What I used:

*  3 big potatoes cut into quarters

* salt and pepper to taste

* 8 big pieces lemonsito (local lemon) – juice them

* 6 gloves of garlic

* 2 tbsp. brown sugar

* 4 tbsp. corn oil

* 15 slices chicken breast



1.  Pre heat oven to 475 degrees.

2. Spread the potatoes into the baking tray. Sprinkle the salt and black pepper to taste. And add 2 tablespoon of corn oil.

3. Bake.

4. In a small skillet or frying pan, sautee all the sliced garlic into 2  tablespoon of corn oil until brown. Then turn off the stove.

5.  Mix the brown sugar and the lemon juice into the sautéed garlic, until the sugar melts.

6. Take the tray from the oven. Put the potatoes in one corner.

7. Arrange the chicken breast in the tray. Sprinkle the sautéed garlic mixture into the chicken breast. Add salt and pepper to taste.

8. Bake for 30 to 45mins.


This recipe is perfect with corn bread. 🙂

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Lea C. Walker

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