Land Between The Lakes

The Land Between The Lakes is a 170,000 acre (68,796 hectares) , National Recreation Area located  in Tennessee and Kentucky, U.S.A between Lake Barkley and Lake Kentucky.

google map


We drove in through the entrance near Dover, Tennessee.  From there, finding the Welcome Station wasn’t difficult at all.  I remember buying small things , like key chains and ref magnets there , as souvenirs.


As you can see, fall is almost over. The trees have lost most of their colorful leaves. But the park still looked so beautiful.

POINTS OF INTEREST: (Other than the gorgeous view, that is….)

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This iron furnace was part of the people’s history.  This is how they built steel in the past. Cool huh?! 🙂


The Homeplace. This working history farm is still producing corn , tobacco, sheep and hogs using period tools and techniques.


The Interpretive Center.


The Bisons on the road. 🙂


Vacations are not complete without a selfie right? ha ha



The Golden Pond Visitor Center: Here you will find the planetarium and observatory. They have fascinating topics such as black holes and life on mars. We didn’t have the time to watch it, but if you have kids,  that would be an interesting thing for them to do.


Such a big elk… 🙂

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I love taking pictures of frames because it gives me the chance to read their story later on. For instance, the frame below talks about the Trail of Tears. This is when Cherokee Indians walked a 1500 mile journey on winter time, leaving hundreds of people dead. 😦 Hence, it’s name.

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A few miles away from the Golden Pond Visitor Center is the ELK and BISON PRAIRIE.

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This is a fully fenced portion of the park with electronic gate to protect the bisons and elks from going out.  I’ve seen both animals in Wyoming on 2013, but I was still happy to see them again this year.

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Again, I am saying this. If you are in any of America’s national or state parks and you find  wild animals, please stay away or stay in your car. For instance, the bisons above,   look gentle. But they will hurt you if they get threatened by your presence. Plus they can outrun you. So please follow the park rules.

The elks, normally rut during autumn.  I heard some of them calling/singing for their mates when we were at the Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado  last 2013. It was a nice sound that it gave me goosebumps and all…. I’m so happy that I got to see some this year too. 🙂

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As we were going out of the park, we saw a big ferry pushing several containers on the river. Therefore , the hubby thought of  parking nearby so I can take a picture of it.


The Hunter Marine blew its horn to acknowledge our presence. That was so nice of the captain and his crew! 🙂

So we waived…. ha ha


The view on the river.


We stayed until they passed us by….


Ahhh… beautiful roadtrip today, I thought. 🙂



Thank you again everyone for visiting my blog.

Come back and check my Washington, D.C. page soon. I will be posting my White House Fall Garden Tour there. 🙂

Yep, I made it to the White House!




Lea C. Walker


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